30 Minute Visit £65
Photo Opportunities
Enchanted Wish
1 Party Game
Coronation of birthday child with gift & certificate
60 Minute Visit £110
2 Sing-alongs
Photo Opportunities
Interactive Story
Enchanted Wish
2/3 Party Games/ Dance along
Coronation of birthday child with gift & certificate
Do you have more than 20 children? Add an assistant on for £40 or a additional character for £55
90 Minute Party £165
2 Sing-alongs
Stickers for each child
Photo Opportunities
Interactive Story
Enchanted Wish
3/4 Party Games
Coronation Celebration of birthday child with gift & certificate
Cake Presentation (we do not provide the cake)
A game of hide the magical gems
Magical Pass the Parcel
Do you have more than 20 children? Add an assistant on for £50 or a additional character for £65
2 Hour Party £210
2 Sing-alongs
Stickers for each child
Photo Opportunities
Interactive Story
3/4 Party Games/Dance along
Cake Presentation ( we do not provide the cake)
Magical Pass the Parcel
Glitter Tattoos
A game of hide the magical gems
Age appropriate crafts, (colouring, bracelet making, design and make a royal crown)
Incudes 20 minutes tea party lunch (provided by you)
Enchanted Wish
Coronation celebration of birthday child with gift & certificate
Do you have more than 20 children? Add an assistant on for £60 or a second character for £75